Welcome! I want to personally and warmly welcome all of you! For more than 25 years now, St. Maria Goretti parish has been building the Kingdom of God, not with a few people, but with everyone! I pray that you will come to know St. Maria Goretti as we all hope it to be and are continuing to strive in our efforts to make it—this is our Spiritual Home and Loving Community. We are glad you are here and look forward to meeting you! God Bless you. - Father Dudzinski
We are so excited to introduce you to our patroness, Saint Maria Goretti! If you have already met Maria, we hope you will grow to know her more deeply through the collection of resources here.
St. Maria Goretti is the youngest canonized saint in the Church. She died tragically on July 6, 1902, at the age of 11 after forgiving her attacker. Maria is known as The Little Saint of Great Mercy.
Born into poverty, her father moved the family when Maria was just six years old from the east side of Italy (near Ancona) to the west side (near Nettuno, about 40 miles south of Rome) in hopes of escaping the grinding poverty that was gripping the area.
Just three years later, when Maria was nine, her father died tragically. It fell to her at that time to raise her five siblings while her mother worked the fields to produce the crops with which they would both pay the rent and feed themselves.
This was a terrible time of trial and suffering for the whole family. For Maria it was especially difficult. Aside from having the responsibility of caring for her family, she had to also cook and clean for her two next door neighbors–Giovanni Serenelli and his son, Alessandro–who assisted her mother with the farm tasks.
It was also during this time that Alessandro began to develop an impure liking for Maria. The big 20-year-old would say rude and crude things to her, things that were inappropriate and embarrassing, and that would cause her to run away. However, at a certain point he began to make direct sexual advances towards her, demanding her virginity and threatening her with violence for non-compliance.
Finally, after many months of this, Alessandro forced himself upon Maria in an attempt to rape her. Though she prevented him from violating her, Alessandro brutally stabbed her numerous times. Maria died the next day in the midst of horrendous infection brought on by her lacerations. Her last words were, “I forgive Alessandro Serenelli … and I want him with me in heaven forever.”
During his prison sentence Maria appeared to Alessandro and forgave him. That act of mercy and forgiveness—that act of love—filled Alessandro with contrition for his crime. It was also a turning point for him where grace entered his heart. From that point on, he lived a beautiful and converted life of holiness, eventually becoming a Franciscan lay brother.
Learn more at www.mariagoretti.com
Saint Maria Goretti: In Garments All Red
by Rev. Geoffrey Poage, C.P.
Here is the beautiful true story of Maria’s virtuous life that led to her heroic choice, of the Goretti family’s terrible poverty, Maria’s First Holy Communion, her great maturity in shouldering adult responsibilities, her forgiveness of her murderer, her lingering death, then finally her public elevation to sainthood in 1950-in the presence of her mother, her family and the largest crowd ever before seen at a canonization-over half a million people.
Book available through the Parish Office, or can be purchased online. We also welcome you to find additional resources about St. Maria Goretti in our Parish Library, accessed through our Parish Office.
Free Films on Formed
Maria Goretti: The Story of the Patroness of Modern Youth -- 96 minutes
An Italiam film made on location about the life of Maria and her family.
Saint Maria Goretti: Fourteen Flowers of Pardon -- 58 minutes
Documentary shot on location that takes you on historic journey through the life, martyrdom, and canonization of the Roman Catholic Church's youngest saint. Includes historic photographs, interviews with her mother, and footage of the canonization ceremony.
we kneel before you to honor your persevering fortitude and to beg your gracious aid. Teach us a deep love for the precepts of our Holy Church; help us to see in them the very voice of our Father in Heaven. May we preserve without stain our white baptismal robe of innocence. May we who have lost this innocence kneel humbly in Holy Penance, and with the absolution of the priest, may the torrent of Christ's precious blood flow into our souls and give us a new courage to carry the burning light of God's love into our hearts, our homes, and our parish until Christ our king shall call us to the courts of Heaven.
The parish of St. Maria Goretti has accomplished a lot in our short history. We were founded as a mission of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel parish, in Carmel, Indiana. Groundbreaking for the new mission was held on July 6th, 1995. And the first Mass was held in what is now the Parish Hall on December 8th, 1995. In August of 1996, our school opened its doors to nearly 200 students. In 1998, an addition to the school was completed that enabled the school to serve over 350 students. In the summer of 2000, a third addition to the school was completed, along with the Stuart-Gadus Fieldhouse. And in August of 2000, St. Maria Goretti became an independent parish and Fr. Kevin J. Haines was named our first pastor.
Not all of our wooden features were crafted in Italy! Parishioners Kim and Mike Lucas were commissioned to create wooden pieces throughout the church and adoration chapel. These pieces included: the Main Altar, Main Ambo, Kneelers, Baptismal Spirals, Candlesticks, Tabernacle Altar, Daily Chapel Altar, Daily Chapel Ambo, Adoration Chapel Triptych Table and Kneelers. Each piece was uniquely handcrafted. The Lucas's applied both Barley Twist and Exodus Spiral carpentry designs to the process. This mix of spiral imagery represents the divinity and humanity coming together in Christ.
Parishioner Tom Harford handmade the Baptismal Font located in the rear of the church. It is an impressive wooden structure holding a lighted acrylic tub topped by a copper bowl continuously "feeding" water into the tub. As we see the living water and bubbles passing through the luminous tub, we are reminded of the sacrament that begins our lives as Catholics. Tom Harford also handmade the Ambry, which is a permanent fixture built into the wall located just outside the rear doors of the church in the Narthex and visible from both sides, to hold all the Holy Oils. He also constructed the Adoration Chapel Triptych, along with Jason Hemmerling and Joe Lintzenich, as well as the bulkheads found in the Adoration Chapel, as well as the trim work throughout the church and chapel.
Our Bell Tower was completed in December 2017, and blessed by Bishop Emeritus William Higi on December 8, 2017. This dates marked the 13th anniversary of the Church Dedication, and 22nd anniversary of the Parish’s first Mass. Watch the incredible video below to learn more about the construction of our Bell Tower!