Preparation for Confirmation is a two-year process, which can begin during the 9th grade or after. In order to be eligible for Confirmation, teens should complete a year of faith formation.
To find out those options please scroll down to "How do I know if I am eligible to receive Confirmation". There you will find links to read the various options for how to fulfill the prerequisite year.
If you are older than high school and still need to be confirmed, please email Emily Vizard at [email protected]
Sponsors for Confirmation must be 16 years of age or older, Catholic, and have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. If the sponsor does not belong to St. Maria Goretti, a letter is needed from their parish priest stating that they are an active and practicing Catholic.
Confirmation Schedule 2024-25
September 8 - Day of Recollection Noon-5PM
(Parent meeting for first half hour) (Parish Hall)
September 24 OR 25 - Class Session 1 7-9PM
October 29 OR 30 - Class Session 2 7-9PM
November 12 OR 13 - Class Session 3 7-9PM
November 20 - Parent and Teen Meeting 7-8PM (Parish Hall)
December 17 OR 18 - Class Session 4 7-9PM
January 21 OR 22 - Class Session 5 7-9PM
January 29 - Parent Only Meeting 7-8PM (Parish Hall)
February 11 OR 12 - Class Session 6 7-9PM
February 21-23 - Retreat Weekend 7PM Fri - 1PM Sun
March 20 - Slow Motion Mass 7-9PM
April 15 OR 16 - Class Session 7 7-9PM
May 1 - Confirmation Mass Rehearsal 7-8:30PM
(Sponsor or parent and candidate must attend)
May 4, 2025 - Confirmation Mass 2:00PM
Congrats on your final year of elementary school! We look forward to meeting you as a Freshman next year. Please be on the lookout for registrations next summer for your prereq faith formation year! In the meantime, check out HOPE Youth Group!
The prereq faith formation year can be completed by any of the following options. Please see below and reach out to Emily Vizard at [email protected] with any questions.
Be enrolled in a Catholic high school - no need to fill out anything. Register for the Confirmation prep year next year.
TRUTH - Faith, Fellowship and Fun! This is a wonderful opportunity for your son or daughter to grow in their faith, their involvement with the parish, community and each other.
FAITH - a formation class that meets once a month (Sept-April) on a Wednesday from 7-8:30pm. This class is conducted in a smaller setting that allows teens to dig deep and learn about the faith, but most importantly, how to have a personal relationship with Jesus.
YOUTH BIBLE STUDY - Develop and strengthen your personal relationship with Jesus. Come any Tuesday you want from 7-8:30pm in the parish office lobby. Bring your questions, sense of humor, and especially your friends!
SISTERHOOD OF MARIETTA - a place for high school aged girls to grow in their faith and to form lasting faith filled friendships among their peers. This group is a safe place for young women to be supported in their faith and loved through every obstacle that being a teenage girl of faith in todays world entails.
TEMPLE KNIGHTS - The Temple Knights is a high school fraternity to encourage teen boys growing toward manhood to stay active in their faith and to discern their future vocations as Christians as either married, consecrated, or ordained men.
Congrats! You are ready to begin the Confirmation prep year.
Please scroll up to find the registration form in the above drop down.
Email Emily Vizard at [email protected] with any questions.
In order to be eligible for the Confirmation prep year, teens should have completed a year of faith formation. Options to meet this prerequisite are as follows: attending a Catholic high school, enrolling and attending any of the SMG offered youth groups (TRUTH, YBS, Sisterhood of Marietta, Temple Knights), or participating in FAITH classes which meet once a month from 7-8:30pm.
If you find yourself needing to switch which group you're in to complete your prereq year, please reach out to Emily Vizard and we will get you taken care of. We ask that you had good attendance prior to switching and please reach out as soon as possible.
Emily Vizard [email protected]
Confirmation Schedule 2023-24
August 20 - Day of Recollection - Noon-5PM
September 13 - Parent and Teen Meeting - 7-8PM
September 26&27 - Class Session 1 - 7-9PM
October 24&25 - Class Session 2 - 7-9PM
November 14&15 - Class Session 3 - 7-9PM
November 29 - Parent and Teen Meeting - 7-8PM
December 12&13 - Class Session 4 - 7-9PM
January 16&17 - Class Session 5 - 7-9PM
February 7 - Parent Meeting - 7-8PM
February 6&7 - Class Session 6 - 7-9PM
March 1-3 - Retreat Weekend - 7PM Fri - 1PM Sun
March 14 - Slow Motion Mass - 7-9PM
April 16&17 - Class Session 7 - 7-9PM
May 1 - Confirmation Mass Rehearsal - 7-8:30PM
May 5, 2024 - Confirmation Mass - 2:00PM
Confirmation deepens our baptismal life that calls us to be missionary witnesses of Jesus Christ in our families, neighborhoods, society, and the world. . . We receive the message of faith in a deeper and more intensive manner with great emphasis given to the person of Jesus Christ, who asked the Father to give the Holy Spirit to the Church for building up the community in loving service.