R.O.C.K. is a ministry that pairs our college students up with an adult volunteer from SMG. The adult volunteer’s primary job is to PRAY, PRAY, and PRAY some more for the college student assigned to them. In addition the adult volunteer is asked to reach out to the college student a minimum of once each month either by e-mail or regular mail. An occasional care package is always fun but is not required. The point of the program is to help keep the college student connected with SMG and with our Faith while they are away at school.
It has been long established that our years as a young adult, and in particular our college years, are extremely vulnerable and formative years in our lives. Studies indicate that during these years, droves of young Christians are leaving their faith behind. And many of the voices speaking to us during this time, which often include representatives of the colleges and universities themselves, are proclaiming a message counter to our faith and what we know to be true. That is why we are here. R.O.C.K. is a way for us to be a voice of truth for those who are in desperate need of hearing it.
If you are a college student seeking support from R.O.C.K., a parent of a college student who would like support for their child, or an adult wishing to support those away at college, complete the registration form below.