GOAL: Strengthen our missionary mindset and commitment to Eucharistic living through an increase in participation beyond the liturgy that promotes committed discipleship and a greater witness of Christ.
GOAL: Connect with the broader community through at least three externally focused evangelization and outreach initiatives.
GOAL: Implement an enhanced age-specific roadmap in aiding parents and their children in knowing and growing in relationship with Christ and His Church from birth through high school. Promote the success of St. Maria Goretti School through a continued rich, faith-based education that will attract and maintain full enrollment.
GOAL: Implement and expand upon our initiatives to welcome and support all in finding their place within the parish family and coordinate efforts to unify the parish and facilitate encounters with Christ through one another.
GOAL: Develop methods of intentionally connecting young adults and young families to Christ and His Church, as well as to their peers within the parish and diocese.